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Configure smartmeter2mqtt

You can configure this app in several ways.


You can configure a lot of stuff with this library. Either the port or the socket are mandatory.

Name Argument Environment prefix with SMARTMETER_ Description
Socket --socket SOCKET See connect over tcp socket
Port --port PORT See connect over usb
MQTT (output) --mqtt-url MQTT-URL mqtt-url publish parsed dsmr messages to your mqtt server. See mqtt for more info.
Web server (output) --web-server WEB-SERVER number start a webserver at this port.
JSON socket (output) --tcp-server TCP-SERVER number start a json socket at this port.
RAW socket (output) --raw-tcp-server RAW-TCP-SERVER number start a raw socket at this port. Can be used for daisy-chaining.
Post to url (output) --post-url POST-URL url post the parsed data to this url, see post output for more information

configure with arguments

smartmeter2mqtt 0.0.0-development
Publish data from your Smartmeter with a P1 interface to your MQTT server.      

Read from P1 to USB serial:
index.js --port /dev/ttyUSB0 [options]

Read from tcp socket:
index.js --socket host:port [options]

      --port                   The serial port to read, P1 to serial usb, eg.   
      --socket                 The tcp socket to read, if reading from serial to
                               network device, as host:port, like
      --web-server             Expose webserver on this port            [number]
      --post-url               Post the results to this url
      --post-interval          Seconds between posts     [number] [default: 300]
      --post-json              Post the data as json instead of form parameters
      --post-fields            Fields to post                           [string]
      --mqtt-url               Send the data to this mqtt server
      --mqtt-topic             Use this topic prefix for all messages
                                                         [default: "smartmeter"]
      --mqtt-distinct          Publish data distinct to mqtt           [boolean]
      --mqtt-distinct-fields   A comma separated list of fields you want
                               published distinct.                      [string]
      --mqtt-discovery         Emit auto-discovery message             [boolean]
      --mqtt-discovery-prefix  Autodiscovery prefix   [default: "homeassistant"]
      --tcp-server             Expose JSON TCP socket on this port      [number]
      --raw-tcp-server         Expose RAW TCP socket on this port       [number]
      --debug                  Enable debug output                     [boolean]
      --sunspec-modbus         IP of solar inverter with modbus TCP enabled
      --sunspec-modbus-port    modbus TCP port           [number] [default: 502]
      --enc-aad                Additional authentication data, if your meter
                               encrypts data (eg. Luxemburg)
                        [string] [default: "3000112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF"]
      --enc-key                Decryption key. Request from energy company
      --version                Show version number                     [boolean]
  -h, --help                   Show help                               [boolean]

All options can also be specified as Environment valiables
Prefix them with 'SMARTMETER_' and make them all uppercase